Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας Μ.Α.Ε. – Κ.Τ.Π. Μ.Α.Ε.


Procurement of stations for emergency communications and provision of climate data of areas of interest (Radars)

ktp photo 12
Ministry of National Defence
Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection
54.345.241,94 € (exclusive of VAT)
June 13 2024
Financial Source
Operational Programme “Civil Protection 2021-2027”
Public Investment Program (PIP)
Greece 2.0 NextGeneration en 1
National Recovery and Resilience Plan "Greece 2.0"
What is the object of the project?

The object of the project is the procurement of new modern medium and long range radar systems which are intended both for the replacement of the existing obsolete equipment and for the expansion of the national network of meteorological Radar stations, aiming at improving the geographical coverage of the network. In addition, Nowcasting system infrastructure will be developed. Through this, detailed, color coded hazard maps will be created, and standardized space-time precision forecasts will be issued with an emphasis on intense weather phenomena.

What are the purpose and objectives of the project?

The Hellenic National Meteorological Service (HNMS) is the main body for meteorological support of national defense, national economy and society (p.d.161/1997) and in order to carry out its mission, inter alia, it operates and maintains a personal network of eight (8) meteorological RADARS for observation of atmospheric data. The long-term value of the use of observation systems is demonstrated by their widespread use by all the Member States of the European Union and all developed countries. Nowadays, the necessity of using these systems becomes particularly imperative due to the conditions created by the climate change phenomenon which, in many cases, is evolving into a climate crisis with adverse effects on society and the economy.

The existing network consists of different types of RADARS, which were acquired either through national resources or through co-funded programs (CSF III, NSRF) and were installed at different times. The use of the above meteorological systems together with others such as meteorological satellites, electric discharge sensors and automatic meteorological stations, is estimated to have significantly upgraded the services provided by the HNMS to the Greek citizens and to public and private bodies, contributing to the security and development of citizens and the national economy.

Today, the condition of the meteorological RADAR network of the HNMS is degraded and their use, as long as they are operated, does not meet the operational requirements of the Service. The problems that led the network to this situation are related to the age of the systems (Commercial off-the-shelf, COTS) and the inability to find spare parts, as these are no longer commercially available. The above situation creates significant problems in the operation of the HNMS and in particular in the quality of the meteorological support services it offers to the Greek State and the society as a whole.

The Ministry of Climate Change and Civil Protection, in order to be able to respond adequately and deal with natural disasters related to weather phenomena, asks the HNMS for more and more precise -in terms of time and place- forecasts.

In order to satisfy the above requirement, the HNMS needs to have a dense and reliable meteorological RADAR network -especially in areas of interest- which will provide critical data which, combined with other modern telemetry and remote sensing systems, such as sensor systems for atmospheric electrical discharges or satellites, will be appropriately utilized through specific processing programs, providing products that will be exploited for operational purposes, both by the HNMS and by other specialized users such as the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection. All of the above is absolutely necessary for the spatial detection and evolution of storm clouds associated with severe weather events.

What are the expected benefits from the implementation of the project?

The action is expected to contribute decisively to the qualitative upgrading of the support provided to the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection as well as to the planning of the competent bodies of the State, in order to better address the effects of Climate Change and the intense weather phenomena that occur with greater frequency and incur ever increasing costs for the National Economy.

The ultimate goal is the high availability of data that is particularly important for the issuance of forecasts related to the prevailing severe weather events. The project provides the necessary infrastructure for the creation of a modern system of short-term Nowcasting forecasts, which will significantly enhance the meteorological support provided by the HNMS to the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection and other Public Administration bodies, promoting the security of citizens and their property as well as the plan of the country for its adaptation to climate change, the protection of the natural environment, etc.



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