The Company is organized in the Directorates-General of Projects and Operations, in Directorates and Independent Services, and the Directorates are organized in Departments and Support Structures.
- Directorate-General of Projects
- Directorate-General of Operations
- Directorate of Development and Business Planning
The purpose of the Directorate-General of Projects is the effective coordination, guidance and supervision of the Directorates and units of the Directorate-General in order for them to function properly for the planning, monitoring and implementation of projects and actions in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and their alignment with the respective strategic objectives in the context of the respective policies.
In particular, the responsibilities of the Directorate-General of Projects include:
- The planning and monitoring of the implementation of the Company’s Program Agreements with bodies.
- The cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Governance responsible for the drafting of the digital strategy as well as with the other bodies of the Public Administration, for the planning and the implementation of projects and actions.
- Ensuring the use of best practices, methodologies and technologies of information and telecommunications to serve its purposes.
- The monitoring of the digital progress of the country as well as the domestic and international trends in the fields of information technologies and telecommunications.
General Manager of Projects: Dimitris Giantsis
Dimitris Giantsis is the General Manager of the Directorate-General of Projects of “Information Society S.A.” (IS S.A.). He is responsible for the effective coordination, guidance and supervision of all Directorates and Units of the General Directorate, which have as their object the implementation of ICT projects and state aid actions. Previously and for a number of years he held the position of Infrastructure Support Manager at IS S.A., having dealt with some of the most emblematic projects of Public IT and Telecommunications, such as Rural Broadband, Government Cloud (G-Cloud) and Coupling II.
He has 20 years of work experience in the fields of telecommunications, information technology and project management, both in the private and in the wider Public sector, having managed complex co-financed projects, as well as Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects. He has served as General Manager at the “Observatory for Digital Greece”, while he started his professional career at WIND Hellas as a Computer Engineer.
He holds a Master’s degree in Mobile, Personal and Satellite Communications from the University of Westminster and is a graduate of the University of Patras in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is also a Certified Project Management Professional (PMPR) since 2008.
The Directorate-General of Operations is responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of the company, the management of Human Resources issues, the financial management, the securing of the financing of the operation of the company as well as the projects, the processing of supplies and contracts, as well as the coordination and monitoring the operation of all organic departments under it. It consists of the following Directorates and departments:
-The Management and Operation Directorate (M&O), which consists of:
- The Human Resources and Payroll Department
- The Marketing and Communication Department
- The Manager of Management Adequacy & Quality System (SDEP)
- The Corporate Protocol and Archive belong to this Directorate.
– The Financial Management Directorate (FM), which consists of the Departments:
- Budget, Cash-flows and Reports
- Operating Supplies
- Accounting
- Contract Management
The Directorate-General of Operations is the supporting structure of the Secretariat of the Directorate-General of Operations.
General Manager of Operations: Vassilios D. Demestihas
Mr. Vassilios D. Demestihas was born in Athens. He is married and has two children. He studied Mathematics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and holds a postgraduate degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the National Technical University of Athens in Techno-Economic Systems. Holds the position of General Manager of Operations in the Information Society S.A. from February 2020. He has been a Director in various managerial positions at the same company since April 2005. He has been the Director of Informatics of the PLIAS group of companies, which was active in the food and cosmetics sector. He has also been the Director of Informatics of the Aggelikoussi group of companies, which is active in the oceanic Shipping. During his professional career he has participated in many IT projects covering a wide range of activities and fields of knowledge. He is a permanent member of the Company of Informatics and Computers (EPY) and was a member of the Board of Directors of the HFC of EEDE.
Director: George Christofis
- Contributes to the shaping of the strategy for ICT in Greece and for IS S.A.
- Implements observation activities for Public Administration and e-government.
(a) Regarding Strategic Planning:
- Contributes to the formation of a strategy for ICT in Greece and for the Company and monitors the implementation of the Strategic and Business Plan of the Company and collects data for its updating.
- Develops, in collaboration with the competent Directorates and executives of the Company, business and communication strategies and partnerships of the Company with the Public Administration bodies or beneficiaries, in order to identify and highlight the needs of the bodies and the methodical preparation of proposals for a Business Plan, which may include:
- Cognitive investigation of the needs of a body.
- Formulation of a Business Plan of a body’s project(s).
- Elaboration and development of a Beneficiary Support Plan.
- Preparation of draft decisions for the concession of the management and productive operation of information systems and communications of the public administration.
- Technical support to the CEO with:
- The collection of data and preparation of regular or extraordinary reports to the Board of Directors, regarding: (a) the implementation and updating of the Company’s Strategic and Business Plan, and (b) the evolution of the stages of the Company’s projects and actions in order to inform, as well as the direct intervention of the Management in matters that need administrative settlement and timely or preventive treatment at staff level.
- The monitoring of the correct information of the integrated information system of project management by the executives of the Company.
- The systematic evaluation of the results of the projects and actions implemented by the Company.
- The investigation, recording and reporting to the Management and the competent executives, as the case may be, of the degree of satisfaction of the Public Administration bodies from the implementation of the projects/actions of the Company.
(b) Regarding the functions of the Observatory:
- Collects and processes qualitative and quantitative data on issues related to the improvement of Public Administration and e-government.
- Develops and continuously improves the knowledge base, on which a strategy for Public Administration and e-government can be formulated or supported.