Legal Framework
- A.24 of Law 2860/2000 “Management, monitoring and control of the Community support framework and other provisions” (Government Gazette 251/A/14-11-2000), as in force.
- A.32 of Law 3614/2007 “Management, control and implementation of development interventions for the programming period 2007 – 2013” (Government Gazette 267/Α/03-12-2007), supplemented with Α.59, par. 17 of Law 4314/2014 “A) For the management, control and implementation of development interventions for the programming period 2014 – 2020, B) Transposition of Directive 2012/17 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2012 (OJ L 156/16.6. 2012) in Greek law, amendment of Law 3419/2005 (Α 297) and other provisions” (Government Gazette 265/Α/23-12-2014) as in force.
- Law 3429/2005 “Public Enterprises and Organizations (D.E.K.O.).” Government Gazette (314/Α/27-12-2005), as amended by Α.31, Chapter B, Law 4465/2017 (Government Gazette 47/Α/04-04-2017) and No. 30422/EGDEKO 342 “Exemption from the scope of application of article 3 of Law 3429/2005 of the Societe Anonyme “Information Society SA” Government Gazette (967/Β/21-07-2006). 4972/2022.
- A.39 of Law 4578 “Reduction of insurance contributions and other provisions” (Government Gazette 200/A/03-12-2018).
- A.1, par. 2.1 of PD 81 “Establishment, merger, renaming and abolition of Ministries and definition of their responsibilities – Transfer of services and responsibilities between Ministries.” (Government Gazette 119/Α/08-07-2019)
- Law 4412/2016 “Public Works Contracts, Public Supply Contracts and Public Service Contracts (adaptation to Directives 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU)” (Government Gazette 147/A/08-08-2016), as amended and in force.
- Law 013/2011 “Establishment of an Independent Single Public Procurement Authority and Central Electronic Public Procurement Register – Replacement of the sixth chapter of N. 3588/2007 (Bankruptcy Code) – Pre-bankruptcy resolution procedure and other provisions.” (Government Gazette 204/Α/15-09-2011), except for par. 3 of Α.2.
- Law 3861/2010 “Enhancing transparency with the mandatory posting of laws and acts of government, administrative and self-governing bodies on the internet” Clarity Program “and other provisions” (Government Gazette 112/A/13-07-2010).
- The Decision No. 33864 EX 2020 of the Minister of State “Amendment of the Articles of Association of the Societe Anonyme Information Society S.A. and its codification” (Government Gazette 5386/Β/07-12-2020)
- The Decision No. 13845 EX 2021 Decision of the Minister of State “Approval of the Regulation of the Societe Anonyme Information Society Sole Proprietors S.A.”, with abolition of the ministerial decision under elements 252/GDODY/DDY/2020/22-1-2020″ Approval of the Regulation of Societe Anonyme Information Society S.A.”, with abolition of no. ADM PROC/IS/fis. 21588/04-11-2011 (Β’ 2541) of ministerial decision “Regulation of the Societe Anonyme Information Society S.A.”, as amended by no. ADM PROC/fis 35181/11-11-2015 (Β’ 2532) joint ministerial decision “Amendment of articles of the Regulations of the Societe Anonyme Information Society S.A.” (Β’ 164) “(Government Gazette 2060/Β/19-05-2021).
- The Decision No. 13216 EX 2021 Decision of the Minister of State “Amendment of no. 146/25.07.2019 of the decision of the Minister of State “Appointment of the Chairman and the Members of the Board of Directors of the Societe Anonyme Information Society S.A.” (Y.O.D.D. 474), as amended by the data under 90/13.01.2020 (Y.O.D.D. 60) and 32273/16.11.2020 (Y.O.D.D. 977) similar (Government Gazette 376/YODD/14-05-2021).