Through its activity, Information Society has played a leading role in the development of services and applications that have improved the daily lives of millions of our fellow citizens. The successful history of completed projects, with a total value of over 450 million Euros, includes:
- Taxisnet: 6,9 million Euros
- National Registrar: 26 million Euros
- Rural Broadband: 161 million Euros
- Syzefxis I: 44 million Euros
- 112 Service: 10.5 million Euros
- Acropolis Museum: 1.75 million Euros
- G-CLOUD: 17.5 million Euros
- Digital Care I: 99.5 million Euros
- Freedom Pass: 85.31 million Euros
- Freedom Pass Data: 10 million Euros
- Support for COVID-19 Vaccination System: 9 million Euros
… Dynamic present and future
The budget of the projects implemented by Information Society or initiates to implement exceeds the amount of 1.7 billion Euros, some of which are:
- Syzefxis II: 620 million Euros
- Teleconferencing services in courts and penitentiaries: 21.08 million Euros
- Public Sector Human Resources Management System: 12.4 million Euros
- GOV-ERP: 36.068 million Euros
- Digital Care II: 40.5 million Euros
- Fuel Pass: 130 million Euros
- Power Pass: 280 million Euros
- Tourism4All: 562.74 million Euros