The two flagship projects with a total budget of €235 million (G – Cloud Next Generation and provision of central cloud computing infrastructure and Public Cloud services) implemented by Information Society have been launched efficiently. This was confirmed by the General Director of Projects at Information Society, Mr. Dimitrios Giantsis, during the 10th annual Cloud Computing Forum conference, with the aim of highlighting the cloud as the necessary means for the transition to the business models of today and tomorrow, as well as the key role of data centers and secure and reliable network infrastructure for such transition.
Mr. Giantsis added that “the implementation of these two flagship projects, strengthen the infrastructure of the government cloud (G-CLOUD) in line with the standards of the hybrid cloud cloud, ensure the operational continuity of the information systems and services of the Public Bodies, helps to achieve the maximum economy of scale and, in addition, provides new innovative cloud services, thus being a key pillar of the digital transformation of the country”.